Thursday, July 22, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010


Things I love about this month so far:

1. Another new job: At the beginning of August I'm going to be starting a new job that has NOTHING to do with social work. My resignation has been turned in and I'm oh, so excited to be doing something else for a while! I'm seriously burnt out with social work.

2. Trip to Oahu: My friend and I leave on the 24th of July and are looking forward to 9 days of snorkeling, kayaking, hiking, and playing! Sunblock has been purchased - bring it on!

3. We took the young women to laser tag last week and I'm happy to report that for the first time in my life, I didn't receive the lowest score. I was 10 out of 32...not too shabby. Apparently I am growing up and maturing!

4. Eclipse: I can't help it. I realize that the story line is ridiculous and the characters can sometimes be annoying, but I can't get enough for some reason. I'm embarrassed at how much I like it!

5. Summer is 1/2 over, and when you live in the desert that is a GREAT thing!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


...and this is where I'll be spending my days....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I've never enjoyed a diaper commercial so much!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


This morning as I was getting ready I was listening to a playlist on my Ipod, and "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go" came on. I've heard this song a hundred times, and in all sorts of settings. When I was on a mission, and was called to my last area, I found myself replaying it over and over again in my mind, telling myself it would be okay!

So when I heard the words in the background this morning, I suddenly felt my Father's gentle nudge, when I heard the final phrase that I've heard so many times before: "I'll be what you want me to be." It struck me that at different points in my life, I've been so willing to move to cities, and change jobs, and uproot my life if I felt like it was what the Lord wanted of me. I never looked back or doubted. I've prayed that he would lead me in the right direction and give me those experiences that he needed me to have, and I have been okay with that.

But recently I've struggled with feeling any kind of peace about my personal situation. Maintaining a positive attitude has become difficult, and there are moments when I don't believe what I hear from others, or even tell myself. As time passes I become more aware of the fact that I haven't received those blessings of marriage and family, while my desires for those blessings increase. I've prayed and pleaded for understanding, and felt such feelings of loneliness at times that I've thought I wouldn't be able to find comfort.

This morning was a gentle reminder to me of that element of faith that I have struggled with. The willingness to be what he wants me to be. I felt such a strong spirit when I listened to that phrase over and over again, and I know that it touched me for a very specific reason. I know that I have a Heavenly Father who is aware of me and who seeks for my happiness. And I know that one day I WILL understand his plan for me. But in the meantime, it's my responsibility to be that person who he wants me to be. And right now, he wants me to be me....single, and learning, and put in opportunities to serve and help others. And he wants me to be happy, regardless of what stage of life I'm in.

So I'm still going to look forward to those promised blessings, and not lose sight of what is most important in this life. But for now I'm going to try my hardest to remember what I was allowed to feel this morning, and move forward, faithfully, not focusing on who I think I should be, but 'trusting my all to his tender care'....and being what he wants me to be.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Look what just came in the mail!!! It's going to be a GREAT afternoon!!!!


This morning I got up, got ready, and drove up to the temple, all excited about doing a session. When I got there I found a sign saying it was closed for the day. Apparently the Saturday before a holiday that is celebrated on a Monday, is a holiday for the temple. Sigh.
It wasn't a complete loss though! The distribution center was open so I bought this video for all of our Young Women to have. I LOVED when I saw this for the first time, and have watched it over and over again. They're getting it as a Christmas gift for our 'Christmas in July' activity this month. I love any excuse to celebrate Christmas!!! Happy Holidays :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Tomorrow is the first day of my 33rd year. Sigh. I made a goal for myself to accomplish 32 things before I hit the double-digit, so here is a recap of what was accomplished up to the last day of my 32ews:

1.Learn 5 new songs on my guitar: Nope. The only time I picked up my guitar was when I was moving. It has been a lovely decoration this last year!

2.Participate in a sprint triathlon: I started training for one, and then I sort of fizzled. It’s the story of my exercise life!

3. Purchase a home: Done, done, done! I bought my first home in November and while it continues to deplete my savings, I LOVE it!

4. Finish my mission scrapbook: I’m still working on it. I’m much closer, but not completely finished yet. I feel good about the progress though!

5. Start my food storage: I have everything for my72 hour kit and about 3 months of food storage saved. Last month I finally added my water.

6. Ride a tandem bike: So close! Last summer my sister and I went to go ride one when we were in Oregon, at the coast, and when we took it for a test run it ended up being broken. They didn’t have any other ones, so the parking lot is the furthest we went. To be honest, though, they freak me out a little. I felt like I had no control and I was a tiny bit happy that it was broken.

7. Make a quilt: No, but I talked both grandmothers into making one for me!! I know that doesn’t count, but my desire is still there. One day it will be done.

8. Read scriptures every day: I’m embarrassed to admit that I didn’t complete this one. There were days that were hit and miss. I envy those people who are unwavering in this area of their life.

9. Learn to cook a new dish and host a dinner every other month: I did dinners, but not as regularly as anticipated. I did learn some delicious recipes though, and had fun in the process.

10. Exercise at least 3 times a week: Um, this one was hit and miss, but it was better than the year before. Those tennis shoes are my nemesis!

11. Go on a hot air balloon ride: Nope! This, I’m finding, is something that you really have to do with someone else that wants to do it. It’s not cheap either, so I’m still looking for participants.

12. Organize, clean out, and replace make-up: Done

13. Buy a nice camera: I bought my camera last November and have taken full advantage, although I'm sure people get tired of me saying 'okay, now smile!'

14. Go golfing on an actual golf course: Nope, but I don’t really mind that I didn’t do this. I went to the range just to hit balls and have discovered that I really stink at it!

15. Send a hand written letter to my nieces and nephews every month: I did it for half a year but then it sort of fizzled. I even sent pictures with them. I never heard back from them, or got any response, so I'm not sure if they even noticed it or not. It's probably something they would appreciate when they are a little older.

16. Get married in the temple: No comment!

17. Complete all assessments at work before leaving for the weekend: I actually did pretty good at this while I was working at my old job. I’ve been in a new job for a few months now, so it doesn’t count anymore.

18. Save at least 250 dollars a month: I was able to do this except for the 2 months after I bought my house, and up until I started my new job. Still, overall I was able to save about 3,500 dollars this last year, which ended up being more than 250 a month. Thank you, first time home buyer incentive!

19. Go sea kayaking: This was on our list of things to do when we were in San Diego last summer, but the weather didn’t cooperate. We were disappointed.

20. Get a barbecue grill: I bought a barbecue grill, but it ended up being a present for someone else. I’m still going to count it.

21. Go to Disneyland: Done, and I’m pleased to report that Disneyland really IS the happiest place on earth!

22. Get my cavities filled: Unfortunately my cavity filling turned into 3 cavities and a crown, but it got done!

23. Become a volunteer at Child Haven: This wasn’t done, but we are going to do a service project for Young Womens at the end of the month there :)

24. Go snow shoeing: Nope. I didn’t even look into it. I stayed as far away from snow as possible!

25. Take a cooking class: My friend and I signed up for an evening cooking class but not enough people were enrolled so they cancelled on us. We were going to learn how to make homemade pasta. Yum!

26. Get back into a size 8: my dreams

27. Go white water rafting: Nope

28. Visit Death Valley: Still no, and I REALLY want to do this one!

29. Teach Jack the Dog to roll over: That dog won’t learn anything! I worked on this one, but he just didn’t get it. Everytime he was down and I used the treat to try to get him to roll, he would jump back and think I was trying to play keep away. I love that dumb dog!

30. Go to the temple at least once a month: least that many times.

31. Visit my grandparents, parents, and siblings at least once: Done! It wasn’t always at their house, but I was able to see all of them in some setting over the last year.

32. Go on 32 dates while I'm 32-years-old: Nope. There were dates, but not that many.
So I didn't accomplish all of them, but I found myself focusing on most of them throughout the year. Some of the big ones were reached (like the house), and even the little ones kept me remembering that I had things to look forward to. All in all it was a good experience. 32 was a good year, with it's little ups and downs, but mostly ups. We'll see what comes next! 3 is a lucky number, so having 2 of them HAS to be good......