Wednesday, June 23, 2010


For Maci's 7th birthday the Wilkerson girls went to Disneyland as a surprise. She just thought she was going to California to see the ocean. A few minutes before we got to our hotel, we let her read her card, saying that she was really going to Disneyland. It was 2 days at the 'happiest place on earth' and such good, good times!


Stephanie said...

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Disneyland!!

Unknown said...

That 2nd to last picture cracks me up!!! Apparently Maci is the only one who can see that you are about to be smashed by a giant tomato (or something else equally horrific.)

Megann said...

Ha, ha! It was the path to the Indiana Jones ride and there were fake skulls on the wall. She was holding on to the rails in front of her, with her head down, the entire ride. It was hilarious