Saturday, March 6, 2010


I feel like I'm LOSING my mind!! Already twice this week I ran into pre-scheduled, long awaited for, significant things that came up that I had completely forgotten about! So this morning I was determined to not mess something up again and called a woman from my ward about some food I wanted to drop off before I came in to work. Here's how the conversation went:

Me: Hi! Is Teresa there?
Husband: She just stepped out a couple of minutes ago. Could I have her call you back?
Me: I actually just wanted to get your address so I could drop off my food for the ward party tonight.
Confused Husband: Is there another party tonight?
Me: Another party? Wait...was the ward party last night?!
Husband: Yep.
Me: Awesome.
Husband: (Reassuringly) I guess you won't have to worry about food for a while! That's a good thing!
Me: (Sighing and shaking my head) Please tell Teresa I'm really sorry about this!
Husband: (Laughing) Don't worry about it! Have a good day!

I think I've been working with Alzheimer's residents for too long


Liesel said...

I needed a good laugh today, and I definitely just got one. That was hillarious.

Shannon said...

OH man! This is an everyday occurence for me, not even slightly joking. Been there, done that. :)