Yesterday I spent over 3 hours waiting at the DMV to get my address changed and tags renewed. Here's what I learned:
1. Parents should never take their kids ANYWHERE without treats or games
2. There is irony in the statement 'my little girl is all grown up,' as she's waiting to get her drivers license and having to consistently re-adjust her shirt so her boobs won't fall out of the too-tight, shows everything, made for a hooker, tank top she is wearing
3. Nothing smells better than a cheap hotdog when it's 6:00 and you've not had anything to eat since morning
4. Parents who yell angrily at their kids to 'stop yelling,' have not taught them anything
5. The Kindle is better than a real book - if you finish reading the one you're on, you just download another
6. Las Vegas really IS a melting pot
7. I should never take MYSELF anywhere without treats or games
8. Never underestimate the kindness that people demonstrate after long periods in stressful situations
9. Cell phones do not come with a body bubble - I can hear EVERYTHING you're saying about your boyfriend who is on house arrest, and no, he probably shouldn't have spent the money on the poor quality drugs that his 'brotha' hooked him up with
10. Going to a DMV at 4:00 in the afternoon on a Friday is the WORST DECISION EVER!!!!!!
4 years ago
Bless you sweet sister. I feel if there is one organization that needs an overhaul it is the DMV. Some of the worst experiences in my life have been there.
Perhaps you should submit you blog on the front door of the DMV to help those entering have a better experience.
wow. I need to get my driver's lisence renewed. Maybe I should do it thru the mail instead of hauling 2 kids there with me...
LOL! Thanks for the good laugh! Your drivers license is good in AZ until you are 65. Good thing I wore Pocohontas braids that day!
True that! I'm dreading the DMV (I need a new license and Pennsylvania plates and my Virginia registration expired in February. I was considering just getting it over with tomorrow, but now, I'm not so sure. . .
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