Thursday, November 27, 2008


The other day at work I was notified by staff that one of our male residents was being inappropriate with a female resident, and that I needed to speak with him about it. He is one of our Alzheimer residents and couldn't even remember what he had done, so I tried to handle it simply. I explained what a staff member had seen, and talked to him about respect, boundaries, yadda, yadda. He stated that he understood, and repeated what I said. I figured the minute he wheeled himself out of the office he'd forget what we'd talked about, and would go back to thinking that I was the front desk clerk at "the hotel he's living in." (he's too cute) Later on that day I was at the nursing station and one of my co-workers leaned across the desk to grab something. I gave her a "good game" smack on the butt and right then Mister 'X' came wheeling by, looked at me, and said matter of factly "that is her body and you aren't supposed to touch it." Touche, Mister 'X.' Bless your heart!!!

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