Sunday, November 2, 2008


So every year the same thing happens. The 30th of October rolls around and despite my fight up until the bitter end, I feel the need to somehow find a costume in an attempt to win a prize in our work's stupid costume contest. Every year! Last year I thought I had done pretty well until Human Resource showed up with her sexy Dorothy and Toto costume, and rehab brought a chained up Cannible Lexter. I didn't stand a chance. This year my heart just wasn't in it so I opted for a pair of ears and a tail. I figure if I didn't try that hard I wouldn't be crushed when the prizes went to someone else. Still, I gave it my best and I'm happy to report that the Halloween gods smiled down upon me. When only a handful of people came in their festivus attire, it made for an easy win. Thank you, gift card! I also learned a valuable lesson .... when opting for a costume with a tail, be cautions when attempting to use the bathroom. Needless to say, this is not a costume that will be stored away for future uses! Happy Halloween!!!


Anonymous said...

You rock,Meggs!! Good job on dressing up. You look adorable! Meow! ;-)

Misty said...

I miss that little contest! So FUN! Thanks for coming to my Halloween party in all your garb! You looked faboulous!