Thursday, December 30, 2010

TOP 10 OF 10

It's time for the annual update of my year. I love my updates! Really, I just love going back and remembering my experiences! Fortunately the years are going up because I feel blessed with a life full of fun adventures and experiences, and it was hard to choose only 10 of them. Drum roll.....and here they are.....

In March I went to San Diego with Charla for our annual California trip. It had been years since I'd been to Sea World or Old Town, so it was good, good times! Except for the time when the seagull swooped down and stole the churro out of Charla's hand. That was sort of freaky!

In April mom and I went up to Portland to visit Kimberly and it just so happened that we were there during the tulip festival. I LOVE tulips. They're my favorite flower. So imagine how thrilled I was to be able to see thousands of them in every color available. I love it!

May brought a lot of new things. A new job...a new car...and a new appreciation for light colored interior!! After 3 weeks of driving around all day in my black car, with black leather interior, in the heat of the Vegas sun, I was done. My car was payed off so I traded it in for a new one. Sweet relief! I'm very happy with my new one and haven't had a single regret :)

In June the Wilkerson girls (minus Chloe) met up and went to Disneyland as a surprise for Maci for her 7th birthday. It was AWESOME!!! I'd never been to Disneyland and discovered that it really is the happiest place on earth!!! I'm excited to go back again one day!

Another July Wayne and I went to Hawaii for 10 days and experienced pretty much anything Hawaii has to offer. We stayed with my friend, Gayle, so the days were full of fun and adventures and at night we went to movies, sang karaoke, went out to dinners with her, and just relaxed. It was quite possibly in my list of top 5 vacations. I might even put it in the top 3. It was a lot of fun!

In August we met up at our cabin outside of Yellowstone and enjoyed some free time. We went into Yellowstone, played games, hiked around the mountains, and enjoyed being together with the entire family. It doesn't happen very often, so when we're all together it's very much appreciated!!

For over a year Calvin and Karissa have been living in California and I'd never been to visit. In September I went and discovered it's not that far after all! So a few weeks later me and Wayne went up there for a food festival in LA, only to discover that it had been cancelled. What followed was a day FULL of unexpected adventures and discoveries (like how incredible Rosa Mexicana is during lunch). Seriously. Such a fun day!

I've always enjoyed Veteran's Day, and have especially grown a special appreciation after working with the elderly. This year at our nursing home we decided to design, build, and sponsor a float for the Veteran's Day parade. It was a TON of work and lots of manpower, but it was incredible. There's nothing like seeing the joy on a Veteran's face when they are congratulated and given thanks for their service. Such a special experience!

Since 1998 Andrea Bocelli's concert has been on my bucket list, so when I found out he was coming for a CHRISTMAS concert this year, I was ecstatic!!! My friend, Joy, and I went together and I'm not embarrassed to admit that I cried...actually the end as he was singing Nessum Dorma. There's nothing better than Christmas, but Christmas with Andrea Bocelli - fantastic!!

Holiday: I have to put these two together because both trips were worth mentioning!! For Thanksgiving the Bagley bunch invited me along with their group in California. It was memorable. Seriously memorable! Then for Christmas I went back to Wyoming and hung out with Benjamin and my parents. It was a great combination of relaxing, playing, and soaking in Christmas!! I won't go into detail about both of them, but just will mention that my experiences during the holidays made me enjoy the holidays that much more :)

And that was my 2010! It was a year full of some pretty great things, mixed in with some experiences that my Heavenly Father knew I needed. As I look back I realize how BLESSED I really am. With friends, and protection, and family, and understanding. I love my life....I'm not going to lie. But I think the key is to love your life, no matter what situation you find your life in. So I'm going to just keep loving it! Happy New Year to any of you reading this...and thank you for being a part of me :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This Christmas I went home for a few days and soaked in the Christmas spirit!! Here are some highlights from the trip:

There are decorations as far as the eye can see!!! You literally can't walk into a single room (bathrooms included) without seeing something Christmasey. It's awesome!There was LOTS of food to be eaten!!! Traditional foods like our sausage and egg with waffles for dinner, Ham for lunch, and Christmas Eve Tamales. Yum! We also had cheeseballs, meat and cheese platers, homemade ice-cream, carmel corn, cookies, pies, name it!! I'm officially on sugar lock-down and am hoping for some respite for my digestive system in the near future!!
We participated in some of the local events and drove around the town, looking at Christmas lights. There was one house that set up a radio station to listen to music that went with their dancing lights on their house. It was fabulous!!
For the last few years we've had tamales on Christmas Eve, compliments of my friend Sylvia. She is from Mexico, and has all of her relatives over on Christmas so she makes hundreds of these. I wasn't able to help this year, but I've helped in the past and they take forever to make!
You can't have Christmas without reading the story of the birth of Christ! And you certainly can't have Wilkerson family gatherings without pulling out the card table and playing a game, or two, or three........
There was lots of down time and Benjamin could either be found reading, sleeping, or watching television.
The day I flew out we went down to Casper and spent a few hours with Daniel's family before I left. The kids opened their gifts from us and then we played for a bit. I love them!! They are at that age where you can totally justify acting like a kid because you're with them!!

So that was my Christmas weekend. Lots of relaxing, lots of laughing, and LOTS of Christmas!!! It was the perfect break for the end of the year!

Friday, December 17, 2010


I don't know what year this cartoon was created, but apparently back then children never wore pants to school during the winter.


I remember the first time I heard Andrea Bocelli singing. It was September of 1998 and my mission companion and I had walked back into our pension after a long day. He was performing in Santiago, Chile, and the family we lived with was listening to him. I immediately made the decision that one day I would see him perform. I was smitten with his voice!

So 11 years later, it finally happened! Hooray!!! My friend, Joy, and I went to the MGM Grand Garden Arena on December 11th and listened to 2 1/2 hours of Christmas songs, opera, and classical favorites. It was incredible and I found myself becoming emotional when he performed Nessum Dorma. I have always loved Christmas, but put it together with Andrea Bocelli and it creates the BEST holiday season ever!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


During this time of year, it's important to remember what is most important. I am grateful for people like this....people who know Christ's love and are willing to share it with others. Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I am not a creative person, so imagine my delight when these little gifts for our Young Women turned out so adorable!!! Teresa saw the idea when she was out East on vacation, so we painted, sanded, and modge podged our little hearts out yesterday. I can't wait to hand them out at our Christmas party Wednesday night!!
Utilizing our skills in our little 'workshop.'
Aren't they great?!?! We were thrilled with how they turned out!
Pay no attention to the fact that I was up until 3:00 the night before and still hadn't showered, put on makeup, or done my hair. Or that I voluntarily used the words 'delight, adorable, and thrilled,' during this post. That's what crafts do to you. It should be out of my system in a few days! Merry Christmas!!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I've been fighting some sort of head cold/sinus thing these last three days that took my appetite away. Wouldn't you know that tonight, at 11:00 pm, I got it back and the only thing I wanted was a taco. Thank you, Del Taco, for setting up station next to my neighborhood AND selling your 39 cent tacos! It worked out perfectly!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I'm having one of those days. One of those days where I wish I was just a normal adult who didn't look at things from the perspective of a social worker, over-analyze, and internalize. How must it feel to not be me? Today I wish I knew......

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Last night was Manor's annual Christmas party, and when I say 'party' I mean P..A..R..T..Y!!! It's pretty much 4 hours of eating, laughing, and dancing, but mostly dancing. The last several years have taught me that 4 hours on a dance floor in heels results in significant amounts of pain, so about 3/4 of the way through this year, when others were dancing barefooted, I just slipped these babies on and voila! They were little miracle workers!! Thanks, Dr. Scholl's!! I'll be seeing you again next year.....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Tonight for Young Women and Young Mens we went caroling to the homes of some members. There was just a small group of us, and the first 3 homes we went to ended up being empty, but it was still such fun for everyone! I know I always say it, but working with the youth is the best calling ever! I love their enthusiasm and willingness to do anything...even when they don't always want to. It's like living some of my favorite years again with them, but without the insecurities and awkwardness - It's the best of both worlds!