Saturday, November 13, 2010


This year at work we built and decorated a float so that some of our Veteran residents could participate. Las Vegas has the largest Veterans Day Parade west of the Mississippi and there were around 40,000 spectators there. It was TONS of work, and it turned out to be a cold and windy day, but totally worth it to see the reactions from our darling residents. I love my job!

Snuggled up and ready to roll!
There were just under 160 entries in the parade
Each resident had a flag from their specific branch of Military
I am GRATEFUL for our soldiers
Diane, our darling liaison
Seriously, how cute is Mister P.?!
Spectators cheering on the residents
Our only female Veteran
Dormisha and me trying to keep warm before it began

This was the first time I'd been to a Veterans Day Parade and it was AWESOME being able to watch all of the spectators cheer for the Veterans and come up to the float, shaking their hands and thanking them for their service. It was a fantastic reminder of just how lucky we really are!


Unknown said...

Why is everyone in coats. Was it a balmy 70 degrees?

Well done my friend.

JonJon said...

Funny, I was going to ask the same thing as Rob. I thought this took place in Las Vegas. By the way everyone is bundled up, it looks like it took place in North Dakota in the dead of winter.

Megann said...

It was cold that day, boys. Windy and in the 50's.....