Last week I was called to be the Young Women's president for the family ward I'm in. I've worked with the Young Women in the last 3 wards I've been in, so while I felt a tiny bit of anxiety, I also felt reassurance in knowing that it wouldn't be completely out of my comfort zone.
Last night we had a presidency meeting and all of a sudden, as we were discussing things coming up, I realized that I played a big part in helping make the choices. Not in an 'I'm the one in charge,' kind of way, but in an 'oh my gosh! We can plan such fun things' sort of way. We literally get to play with these awesome girls. I love the fact that I get to work with youth. They are strong, and fun, and they teach me every day how amazing they are.
So now it's pool parties, and sleepovers, and play, play, PLAY! I cherish that the Lord knows me enough to give me a calling that brings me such joy, and I'm grateful that he has given me the opportunity to learn and grow alongside some of his choice daughters. Hooray for what's coming up ahead....
4 years ago
Ohhhh, I miss the YW calling. Congrats! They are the best! So, on another note, I hope to see the same post title talking about running someday. :) I'm routing for you girl!
Can you come take over my YW pres calling too? Sounds like you have the enthusiasm I lack sometimes. The girls are lucky to have you.
YW sleepovers were the best! We bonded so closely at those kind of activities.
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