Saturday, February 20, 2010


Yesterday I spent over 3 hours waiting at the DMV to get my address changed and tags renewed. Here's what I learned:

1. Parents should never take their kids ANYWHERE without treats or games
2. There is irony in the statement 'my little girl is all grown up,' as she's waiting to get her drivers license and having to consistently re-adjust her shirt so her boobs won't fall out of the too-tight, shows everything, made for a hooker, tank top she is wearing
3. Nothing smells better than a cheap hotdog when it's 6:00 and you've not had anything to eat since morning
4. Parents who yell angrily at their kids to 'stop yelling,' have not taught them anything
5. The Kindle is better than a real book - if you finish reading the one you're on, you just download another
6. Las Vegas really IS a melting pot
7. I should never take MYSELF anywhere without treats or games

8. Never underestimate the kindness that people demonstrate after long periods in stressful situations
9. Cell phones do not come with a body bubble - I can hear EVERYTHING you're saying about your boyfriend who is on house arrest, and no, he probably shouldn't have spent the money on the poor quality drugs that his 'brotha' hooked him up with
10. Going to a DMV at 4:00 in the afternoon on a Friday is the WORST DECISION EVER!!!!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I just made a list of all of the people I have lived with since graduating from High School. I was surprised at how high of a number it was....but it also has been the source of some pretty great memories! I think maybe 50 should be my magic number and then be done. Dare to dream!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This week my goal is to drink at least 8 cups of water a day (in addition to the 5 fruits and vegetables, which I've been suprisingly consistent with). Yesterday I drank just over 11 cups and spent the majority of the day in the bathroom. So, does this mean I can drink 3 less today? I'm looking for my happy medium....

Sunday, February 14, 2010


For those of you who just don't know WHAT to get that special someone on Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I can't get enough of this movie. The scenery, the story, the accents, the emotions. If I could only choose one movie to watch ever again, this would be it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I'm starting this week to try and incorporate healthier habits in my life. I was doing good for a while, but then the holidays crept up and my ship was sunk! Since I'm not good at jumping head first into things I'm starting slow. My goal this week is to incorporate 5 fruits and vegetables a day. That's all. Everything else will be the same. Next week I'm going to add another aspect, and then again the week after, until one day I'll be INVINCIBLE!! If any of you have any tips or fun vegetable recipes, please share. I need some creativity and I can only eat so many salads.......

Sunday, February 7, 2010


This morning when I woke up, Jack the Dog was hanging
out the side of his bed, staring at me. It reminded me of the time when I lived in Taiwan and woke up to a huge geko running down the wall, which is alarming when your vision is still blurry and it looks like it's running straight for your head. My reaction to Jack was considerably better than my reaction to Mr. G!

Friday, February 5, 2010


My friend's birthday is this weekend and her birthday request was for me to make her a dozen fruit tarts. I don't think she realizes how easy these little ditties are to make, even though they taste like they might be difficult. I love recipes that make you look good, but ensure that you don't have to be! Happy Birthday, Goodrich!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Last night for Young Womens we 'heart attacked' houses. Who knew at the age of 32 I would be cutting out paper hearts, giggling, and running for cover when doors were opened. It's good to feel young - or at least have an excuse to ACT young again!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

TODAY I MISS..... bike riding days. A few years ago I got this fantastic bike, that I just LOVED. Every day I would meet up with a buddy who was really patient with me, and would let me go as slow as I wanted to, which was REALLY slow. I seriously would go 2 mph and sometimes going up hills I would get annoyed and just want to go home. The beginning was rough and I'm pretty sure I swore every once in a while. Towards the end though I got to the point where I couldn't wait to go ride my bike, and I looked forward to going on longer adventures.

For random reasons that are too long to go into, I eventually stopped riding my bike. It sat in the apartment and collected dust, and there were moments where I even considered getting rid of it. I would take it for a spin every once in a while, but I found myself not really wanting to be out there, and my heart just wasn't in it like before! Pretty soon the air was missing from the tires, and something that brought me so much joy before, became something that felt like another failed project.

So loooong story short, over these past few weeks I have felt such an urge to get out into my garage, dust that baby off, and take it to a bike shop for a tuning. Today as I was walking outside, I realized that it is perfect biking weather! It's time to hit the pavement.....and it's time to find that joy again that came from doing something that I used to love so much! So for all you fellow bike riders out there, give me a call in two or three months when I can actually keep up with you again. Happy trails!