Thursday, August 13, 2009


I've spent the evening going through the music on i-tunes and creating new playlists (see below). So many songs with so many memories associated with them! That was the song I used to listen to while I was running in Taiwan...... I listened to that song over and over again with that one guy after driving back from a concert.......I sang that song at the top of my lungs, going through yellowstone, on my way to grandma's house....I heard that one almost every day when I was walking down the streets of Chile.... Sweet, sweet memories:

* CHRISTMAS: To be used all throughout the year
* FAST DRIVING: My 'driving up Mt. Charleston when frustrated' playlist
* FAVORITES: Good for any occassion
* HANG IN THERE: My 'sometimes life sucks, but it's not too bad' playlist
* INSTRUMENTAL: I'm a big fan of instrumental music
* LATIN MIX: Gotta keep up on the Spanish
* LOVING LOVE: Because I'm a girl and that's what girls like to listen to
* PRETENDING TO EXERCISE: For that once in a month occassion where I actually am motivated enough to hit the road
* SOAKING IN A BATHTUB: Loving this one - it will be a regular
* SUNDAY MORNING: Keep the Spirit

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