Thursday, May 28, 2009


At the beginning of May I put an offer on this home (cute, yes?) and have been trying to put it in the back of my mind since everyone has told me that it takes months and months to get an answer on short sales. Well I just heard back from my realtor today and found out that I should have the information in a couple of weeks. Hooray!! I don't like not knowing whether it's a yes or a no, and the thought of having to wait until July or August to even find out is no bueno. If I get it that would be AWESOME, but if I don't it gives me plenty of time to look for something else. I'm trying to not get too excited, but I LOVE the floorplan and would REALLY like this to work out. Fingers crossed! Is there anything in the world that works out how you want it to?! Experience tells me no, but the beauty of it is that it usually works out even better than how you thought you wanted it. Sweet, sweet life......


Wendy said...

Cute house, hope it works out.

amydear said...

So cute! I will come visit if you buy it.

Misty said...

I will totally come to your house warming party if you get that! And btw... I miss working with you!

Unknown said...

It looks like an italian villa. I hope you get it.

Stephanie said...

good luck and you better keep posting on the progress!!! : ) also DARLING home!

Shannon said...

oooh...ahhhh!! Darling home, Megann. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. :)

Liesel said...

It looks so cute! I'll be crossing my fingers with you. Where is it?

Heidi said...

Such a cute house! Good luck!

Aunt Caryl said...

very cute house. ill keep my fingers crossed! luvya!