Top 20 signs you know you live in a Ghetto
Based on our 2 1/2 years of experiences
1. There are more shopping carts than vehicles
2. You're pleasantly surprised when your car is still there in the morning
3. Sometimes the water's working and sometimes it's not
4. When you wake up to cats mating in the middle of the night you do a double check to make sure it's not a woman screaming
5. You hear a gunshot and it doesn't phase you anymore
6. You opt out of sharing experiencing with your parents - so as not to worry them
7. There are chicken bones and candy wrappers everywhere you walk
8. Kids appear to have no parents and run wild - sometimes with no shoes and usually with no coats - once with no clothes at all
9. No need for a neighborhood watch since the police are always here anyhow
10. The exercise room only lasted until all of the equipment was stolen, which was roughly 3 months
11. There is no management in the front offices - they lasted a shorter amount of time than the exercise room
12. You've been told by an angry lady, screaming out her car window, that she's going to "cut you"
13. Your tires have been slashed
14. The little 3 year old neighbor gets stuck while playing in a vacated apartment and as you get him out and ask where his parents are, the reply is "prison."
15. You're actually surprised you haven't been robbed
15. You're actually surprised you haven't been robbed
16. Sometimes your car is there when you go to the parking lot, but not your license plates
17. Some people are so loud you don't know if they're arguing, or if that's just how they talk
18. Walking through the middle of a gang fight no longer phases you
19. Friday night entertainment is listening to your upstairs neighbors being arrested
20. The spotlight helicopter visits regularly - and once was followed by policemen dressed in black, walking around with huge guns, and telling you not to leave your apartment
It's funny cuz it's true! I need to get out of the ghetto!
Holy Ghetto Batman! I guess this can be chalked up to "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?" :-) I am just curious what people can do with a license plate with out the car...
Um, do you live here? That's scary! I've only lived in a pseudo ghetto. No gunshots.
You need to move, Meggs. Please. :)
Holy Moly dude!!! Maybe it's about time you looked for another apartment!!!! : ) -- When is the next time you will be coming up this way? Let's get together!
Oh Megs.... I used to always laugh at you when you told stories about where you lived. BUT then we visited you and I was shocked!!!
I remember after leaving your condo Calvin said "We should see if Megann wants to move in with us...."
LOL - Please take care of yourself in the ghetto.....
This really mad me laugh! It's so true! O how I miss the ghetto!
What part of Vegas do you live in? (needs to make sure she doesn't move there...)
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