So i took a little road trip up to Idaho this past weekend and spent some quality time with my Grandma Clinton, who is possibly one of the greatest grandmas in the world! We made cookies, she gave me advice on relationships (flirt with your eyes), watched women's conference together, and caught up on each other's lives. One night when we were talking i asked her to think about her life and what she considers to be the most valuable lesson she has learned. She spent the evening thinking about it and the next day had three things to share with me:
1. Always have a smile on your face
2. Always be kind and considerate to your fellow man
3. Always stay close to your Heavenly Father
The best part about her advice is that she doesn't just believe it to be true - she lives it every day and shows others how to be that way through her example. She is so easy to love. Thanks, Grandma!
Yay for Grandma!! Thanks for breaking your trip at my house! It was so great to see you again and to meet Jack! Can you come back and play? Keep me posted if we're going to be roommates again! Luvyerguts!
That's so cool that you went to visit your Grandma. I like her simple, yet priceless, advice. And those cookies look delicious. Let us know if the eye flirting works!
Grandmas + Homemade Cookies = BEST GRANDMAS IN THE WORLD!!
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