This is the official beginning of my life as a part time employee. I love the sound of that! I decided that since I'm on this kick of doing things that I want to do that aren't that rational,
that I would incorporate it into all aspects of my life. Starting this week I am down to working four days, which is going to be fantastic! I have a long list of things I've always wanted to accomplish but haven't started because I didn't want to add more to my plate than I already had. My first adventure is learning Chinese. I picked some up while I was in Taiwan, but there's so much more I want to learn, and then hope to eventually use it on a tour through China! My classes start this Friday morning at the community college so I've got my books, my backpack, and my new sharpened pencils. Next semester I'm taking cooking classes so all of you can look forward to sampling my sauces and annoying little finger foods. Bring it on!
I think what you are doing is completely rational. What rational person would want to work fulltime, honestly? :) We're all nuts for working so much, you're the rational one :)
Welcome to the blogging world, Meggs! Although we keep in touch pretty regularly by phone, it will still be fun to read your blog. And how cool will our posts about Africa be?!? Congrats on being part-time! If there's any time in your life to do something(s) irrational, it's now. So enjoy it and irrationalize away! Luvyerguts!
Yay for blogs!
I'm so jealous of your tour of China. I hope some crazy virus doesn't ruin it like mine (SARS will kill us all!). Also, you're so great at acting out what you want to say. You don't need to learn Chinese!
Remember "Wo yow. . .bok bok bok bagok." Translation: I want chicken.
Hi, I'm just internet surfing and then suddenly seeing your blog, I am so happy to see that you are learning Chinese (I am from Hong Kong & now living in MI) feel any difficulities? my hubby keep saying it's too hard (& he's too old) to learn a new language!!! what an excuse?!?!?!
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