Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Fact #1: The concept of eating a buffet arose in mid 17th century France, when gentleman callers would arive at the homes of ladies they wanted to woo unexpectedly. Their surprise arrival would throw the kitchen staff in to a panic and the only food that could be served was a selection of what was found in the cold room. The chosen food always centred around a selection of sandwiches, preferably with the bread starting to curl at the edges. Potential accompanyments also include watery chicken, Pret A Manger carrot cake and fingered buscuits. All food is presented on trays and the suitors were asked to select what they wanted and then eat it off small plates balanced atop their knees.

Fact #2: If you take us to a buffet for a "working lunch meeting," our level of productivity decreases by 80 percent immediately thereafter. Red Rock Casino Buffet at noon? That's a wrap!

Monday, August 25, 2008


This is the official beginning of my life as a part time employee. I love the sound of that! I decided that since I'm on this kick of doing things that I want to do that aren't that rational,
that I would incorporate it into all aspects of my life. Starting this week I am down to working four days, which is going to be fantastic! I have a long list of things I've always wanted to accomplish but haven't started because I didn't want to add more to my plate than I already had. My first adventure is learning Chinese. I picked some up while I was in Taiwan, but there's so much more I want to learn, and then hope to eventually use it on a tour through China! My classes start this Friday morning at the community college so I've got my books, my backpack, and my new sharpened pencils. Next semester I'm taking cooking classes so all of you can look forward to sampling my sauces and annoying little finger foods. Bring it on!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


It's rare that the entire family is together in one spot. It happens once every few years, if that. When Chloe was blessed in January we decided it was time to take a trip to Dallas, Texas for the blessing and made a vacation out of it. Cost of tickets from Vegas to Dallas - 380.00 Hotel Room to squeeze in 5 people - 97.00 Finding out who still gets on each other's nerves after all these years - PRICELESS! You've gotta love families!


I decided that when I turned 31 I was going to start doing things I've always wanted to do, but always talked myself out of it because it wasn't rational. Getting a dog was one of them. After some research I found the one I wanted and here is why I love this little mutt:

1. He doesn't shed and I don't have to walk around with those round, lint things picking up after him.
2. He travels well and I can throw him in his crate and head down the road in my car or throw him in a purse and board the plane.
3. He goes to work with me (Thank you Joe Ann for being such a great boss)and entertains me during the day. The residents love him!
4. When he poops it's the size of my finger - awesome!
5. He always gets SO EXCITED to see me after I let him out of his crate or walk back into a room. I love it!
6. He wrestles with big dogs, little dogs, any dog. He's fiesty!
7. He gets these little spurts of energy and will just go crazy, running in circles and jumping into the water cooler. He doesn't just run though. He jumps like a rabbit. A 'jack rabbit,' if you will!
8. He likes to hide under my bed, which saves me from having to move the bed and clean - thanks, buddy!
9. He's affectionate, but not in an annoying way. He loves to come and sit next to me with his chew toy when I'm on the couch or on the floor. It's darling!
10. He makes me happy. Maybe it's because he keeps me so busy I don't have time to worry about other things. That has to be it!