Monday, September 20, 2010


So I've decided that this is one of my new favorite movies. I don't know if it was the sinus medicine I was taking that made it seem so funny, or the fact that it was British humor, but when all was said and done I had laughed, I had gotten a wee bit teary eyed, and mostly I felt inspired. Surprisingly inspired. Make sure you see it, but maybe wait until your kids are asleep before you do. That British humor and all...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So should I be worried about my dog?!?!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Remember how at the ripe old age of 13 Justin Bieber has a bodyguard AND backup dancers?! I feel like I should invest in my own backup dancers. That really shows you're going places.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Sometimes I feel like my life is like the movies, but not in a glamorous kind of way. Tonight I found myself at home on Saturday night, hanging out with my dog, watching Lifetime Television shows, and staring at my phone, waiting for it to ring. Seemingly pathetic, I know! When did I become this version of me? The one who spends as much time as possible doing my calling, and not just because I'm dedicated to it, but because other than work, it's the only thing that I have in my life that makes me feel meaningful. When did I start cringing when coworkers asked me what I was doing this weekend, because I knew I would have to make it sound like my life is so busy so I'm 'taking it easy' this time? I'm stuck in a transition that seems wrong, but that unfortunately has become a comfort level. I don't know how I got here! The irony in all of this is that I'm not even feeling sorry for myself. I'm just acutely aware of reality right now.

But I know I've seen this movie before. I remember it ending well - I just don't remember how it got to that point. And I don't remember if the lead character voiced the same frustrations that I'm feeling tonight. I imagine she did. And I imagine she got all sorts of supportive feedback from others around her, telling her what she needed to do to change things. But did she do it, or did she let life take its course? Either way, I know it ends well. I'm going to hang on to that....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Going to this gentleman's concert has been on my 'bucket list' since the fall of 1998 when I walked into a cement casita in Chile and heard his heart-warming singing coming from the television. Thanks to Vegas PBS and their fabulously discounted tickets, I'll finally accomplish my long awaited goal on December 11th. Oh, Andrea are good to me....

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I have always been secretly envious of creative people. People that can knit scarves and 'throw together' a meal from scratch. A goal that I've had for YEARS is to be able to make a homemade quilt. I picture a fun, bright one, with lots of exciting patterns and designs. On my quest to be able to accomplish this, I practiced my skills at the LDS distribution center some time ago. After proudly displaying the work I had done the darling sister missionary patted me on the arm and quietly said 'it's okay. We'll fix it later.' Sigh........

One day, I'll defeat you, quilt (I shout into the night with my fist waving into the air). One day!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

TODAY I LOVE..... it feels when the weather starts to cool down at night
....eating lunch with a large group of people new job my hair looks the day after I get it highlighted
....being able to work with the young women
....having a large, colorful flower to put in my hair clothes
....when it's crisp at night and you bundle up, but your face is still cold
....seeing good things happen to good people
....sleeping all the way through the night without waking up

....looking forward to seeing old friends
....when I come home and the house is clean
....repeating good songs over and over again
....the fact that I have so many things to be grateful for