Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As most of America has figured out by now, you can go onto and print off free coupons for KFC Grilled Chicken dinners. In fact, you can print off up to 4 of them! Before leaving work today I got my little magic pieces of paper and went to our neighborhood KFC to give them a whirl. Here's what I discovered:

1. As it turns out, sometimes things aren't too good to be true
2. Expect to stay in line for a very long time when there is free food involved.....or at amusement parks.....
3. KFC's grilled chicken is surprisingly good
4. Fast food giveaways make the employees of those chains REALLY cranky
5. Food tastes even better when you know you don't have to actually fix it at after getting off of work (When did I become one of those people who comes home after work, falls onto the couch, and sighs about how long the day was?!)
6. Free food makes people happy! I also had a free lunch today. Pretty much I'm living the good life.....

Here's to you, Kentucky GRILLED Chicken


Stephanie said...

we tried going for dinner but with 5 little hungry boys in the car and the LONGEST line at KFC i've ever seen we went to mexican food! haha

The Dean Family said...

megann.i'm full on crying right now..that story below is just the neatest and i got chills as i was reading when she got connected with her children again....thanks for sharing!