Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This Christmas I went home for a few days and soaked in the Christmas spirit!! Here are some highlights from the trip:

There are decorations as far as the eye can see!!! You literally can't walk into a single room (bathrooms included) without seeing something Christmasey. It's awesome!There was LOTS of food to be eaten!!! Traditional foods like our sausage and egg with waffles for dinner, Ham for lunch, and Christmas Eve Tamales. Yum! We also had cheeseballs, meat and cheese platers, homemade ice-cream, carmel corn, cookies, pies, candies...you name it!! I'm officially on sugar lock-down and am hoping for some respite for my digestive system in the near future!!
We participated in some of the local events and drove around the town, looking at Christmas lights. There was one house that set up a radio station to listen to music that went with their dancing lights on their house. It was fabulous!!
For the last few years we've had tamales on Christmas Eve, compliments of my friend Sylvia. She is from Mexico, and has all of her relatives over on Christmas so she makes hundreds of these. I wasn't able to help this year, but I've helped in the past and they take forever to make!
You can't have Christmas without reading the story of the birth of Christ! And you certainly can't have Wilkerson family gatherings without pulling out the card table and playing a game, or two, or three........
There was lots of down time and Benjamin could either be found reading, sleeping, or watching television.
The day I flew out we went down to Casper and spent a few hours with Daniel's family before I left. The kids opened their gifts from us and then we played for a bit. I love them!! They are at that age where you can totally justify acting like a kid because you're with them!!

So that was my Christmas weekend. Lots of relaxing, lots of laughing, and LOTS of Christmas!!! It was the perfect break for the end of the year!

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