Tuesday, February 2, 2010


.....my bike riding days. A few years ago I got this fantastic bike, that I just LOVED. Every day I would meet up with a buddy who was really patient with me, and would let me go as slow as I wanted to, which was REALLY slow. I seriously would go 2 mph and sometimes going up hills I would get annoyed and just want to go home. The beginning was rough and I'm pretty sure I swore every once in a while. Towards the end though I got to the point where I couldn't wait to go ride my bike, and I looked forward to going on longer adventures.

For random reasons that are too long to go into, I eventually stopped riding my bike. It sat in the apartment and collected dust, and there were moments where I even considered getting rid of it. I would take it for a spin every once in a while, but I found myself not really wanting to be out there, and my heart just wasn't in it like before! Pretty soon the air was missing from the tires, and something that brought me so much joy before, became something that felt like another failed project.

So loooong story short, over these past few weeks I have felt such an urge to get out into my garage, dust that baby off, and take it to a bike shop for a tuning. Today as I was walking outside, I realized that it is perfect biking weather! It's time to hit the pavement.....and it's time to find that joy again that came from doing something that I used to love so much! So for all you fellow bike riders out there, give me a call in two or three months when I can actually keep up with you again. Happy trails!

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