Friday, April 3, 2009


1. I hate doing laundry! My clothes don't even fit in the basket anymore, there's so much of it to be done. I've decided that if I ever have an access of income I'm going to pay someone to do it for me.
2. Jack turned 1 today. Since he doesn't get the concept (being a dog and all), I didn't want to shell out the 15 dollars for a dog cake, so I let him chew on the pom-poms on one of my slippers, which he's been trying to do for a couple of months now. He seemed to appreciate it. I also bought him gourmet dog food for dinner. It was an 89 cent birthday.
3. I've watched the movie "Twilight" 3 times now, which even I can't explain. Edward and Bella look depressed all the time and his orange lipstick is distracting. Am I the only one who things that Bella has the characteristics of a person having taken a little too much ativan, or that it's somewhat of a red flag that Edward has spent months in her room staring at her while she sleeps?!
4. Panera Bread has sandwiches that remind me of Europe. I had a breakfast panini and for a moment was taken back to Austria - except that everything was in English. I didn't have to say "ich habe brot." I became pretty good at asking for bread and water in German.
5. I'm anxiously looking foward to summer, which usually doesn't happen when you live in Vegas. Really, I'm just excited for our annual trip to California in June where we lay around on the beach, play in the ocean, and wish we had enough money to be able to live there. It's been a long many ways.
6. The tires on my bike still haven't been fixed, which I really need to get done. I'm missing good biking weather.


The Dean Family said...

you make me laugh...come on you can afford cal-i-forn-i-a...your single livin' the life:)

Tara said...

I didn't know you had a blog! It's been years! How are you?? I guess I should read your blog. What a lucky find.

Heidi said...

I love your random stuff!

I can't believe you watched Twilight 3 times. I totally agree with your assessment on Bella's character. It just seemed like everyone was too intense or angry all the time.

I LOVE Panera!!

I miss California too. Especially in the Spring.