Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The other day i went out to eat dinner with some friends and when I withstood the confused look of the waitress when i asked to order from the kids menu, I realized that there are a few things in my life that I'm not ready to let go of. Maybe ever. My theory is that when you've found a good thing you have to embrace it....no matter what the age. Let me just share a few of these with you:

I don't think Americans have considered the advantage that is the kids meal. Consider Panda Express. You get your rice, you get your main meal, you get your soda, AND you get a cookie. It's delightful. The regular meals give you so much food you end up not being able to finish it but the kids meal gives you just enough to fill you up but give you variety. Next time you're in Subway look at all that you get there. A sandwich, a drink, chips, AND a dessert. The list goes on and on. It's mind boggling. Bless you, kids meals!


I feel that children's toothpaste is one of least taken advantage of items by adults. Let's look at this logically. It tastes like bubble gum, which is BAD for your teeth, so it's like getting the best of both worlds. It is made specifically for children who have little, tiny, sensitive growing teeth that need extra TLC. It comes in aesthetically pleasing containers that make you look forward to pulling it out of the medicine cabinet. Last, but not least, it contains all of the important elements required for strong, healthy teeth. I think everyone should at least try it, but don't take my word for it. 9 out of 10 dentists would also say the same!

A timeless classic. Every child should have had the experience of sitting up at that counter, just waiting for the cookies to be baked and done with so that they could lick out the bowl. The lucky ones were allowed a spoonful without enduring the false accusations of "cookie dough will make you sick." Needless to say, when I make cookies at this stage of my life, I don't usually even eat the cookies. I just eat the cookie dough - and it hasn't made me sick!


Unknown said...

You are so wise. In fact last week I was at Costco and I notice that you can buy a whole bucket of just cookie dough for only five bucks with a coupon.
I have enjoyed many evenings on the
couch eating my weight in cookie dough.

You are hilarious.

Heidi said...

You are so right about the kids meals. Is it bad that I exploit my son just so I can order a kids meal for myself?

Anonymous said...

After this past weekend, I am a convert to the kid's toothpaste idea! Bring on the bubble gum!! I'm a HUGE fan! :)