Saturday, January 31, 2009


A friend of mine sent this to me. It's from a phone call made to a radio station. You may have already seen it but I found it heartfelt and just wanted to share.....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've decided that on some weird level, my hair is connected to my enthusiasm for working out. I know, I know - so dumb! Still, it annoyed me when my short, stacked haircut started to grow out and I couldn't pull it off of my neck when I would exercise. I was envious of those girls who's perfectly pulled back pony tails would swing back and forth when they were running, like unto the people on commercials for Adidas and Nike. It's true what they say though - time heals everything! This morning when I went to the gym I was DETERMINED to have a pony tail. Never mind the bobby pins and hair falling out in all directions. There I was, running on that treadmill, sporting my two inch pony. Fantastic! It's back!!

Monday, January 26, 2009


I loved the book "Marley and Me" and have actually read it several times, so when the movie came out I was REAL excited to see it on a screen. I'm usually not disappointed in book-to-movie transitions (Harry Potter, Memoirs of a Geisha, etc) but found myself sort of wanting more from this one. Maybe it's because the book was so well written and the movie was missing the emotions that came with it. Maybe I wanted all of the details included just as they were written. Still, if you saw the movie and found yourself wanting a dog (or not wanting a dog but just enjoying it regardless) then you should definitely invest in the book. So many more laughs, and unfortunately, a few more tears. Sometimes the movie you create in your head is better, and this is a movie I'll read over and over!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Here are my two favorite quotes from this past week's episode of "Lost":

1. Hurley to Sayid after he rejects french fries: "You know, if you ate more comfort food maybe you wouldn't have to go around killing people."

2. Sawyer as he pounds loudly on the door of the hatch to get Desmond to come out: "This is the ghost of Christmas future!"

Obviously you'll need to be a "Lost" follower to understand the beauty of those quotes! If you are - I'm sure you're smiling. If not - rent the DVDs and get on board, folks!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Top 20 signs you know you live in a Ghetto
Based on our 2 1/2 years of experiences

1. There are more shopping carts than vehicles
2. You're pleasantly surprised when your car is still there in the morning
3. Sometimes the water's working and sometimes it's not
4. When you wake up to cats mating in the middle of the night you do a double check to make sure it's not a woman screaming
5. You hear a gunshot and it doesn't phase you anymore
6. You opt out of sharing experiencing with your parents - so as not to worry them
7. There are chicken bones and candy wrappers everywhere you walk
8. Kids appear to have no parents and run wild - sometimes with no shoes and usually with no coats - once with no clothes at all
9. No need for a neighborhood watch since the police are always here anyhow
10. The exercise room only lasted until all of the equipment was stolen, which was roughly 3 months
11. There is no management in the front offices - they lasted a shorter amount of time than the exercise room
12. You've been told by an angry lady, screaming out her car window, that she's going to "cut you"
13. Your tires have been slashed
14. The little 3 year old neighbor gets stuck while playing in a vacated apartment and as you get him out and ask where his parents are, the reply is "prison."
15. You're actually surprised you haven't been robbed
16. Sometimes your car is there when you go to the parking lot, but not your license plates
17. Some people are so loud you don't know if they're arguing, or if that's just how they talk
18. Walking through the middle of a gang fight no longer phases you
19. Friday night entertainment is listening to your upstairs neighbors being arrested
20. The spotlight helicopter visits regularly - and once was followed by policemen dressed in black, walking around with huge guns, and telling you not to leave your apartment

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I haven't posted a picture of Jack in a this is a "Jack" update. His latest thing is to hide under my bed, all the way in the back where I can't reach him, and bark. I don't know what he's barking at. I think he wants me to come and find him, but usually I just ignore him. The dog is a nerd - that's part of why I like him so much!


I used to not understand why anyone would want to live in the middle of a desert, and when I felt like this is where I should be, I had some doubts myself. I moved here at the end of July, four and a half years ago, and experienced the reality of the summers when I rolled my window down to cool off my car (I'm from Wyoming - that's what you do) and was greeted by a blast of hot air. The day after I moved here I went to run out to my car to grab something and didn't bother putting shoes on, which resulted in a blister. Two days later I found myself dehydrated and not able to stand up without the entire room spinning in circles. Welcome to Vegas! Then October came, and November, and December showed up, and I still hadn't pulled out a coat. January was a little chilly, but by February I was back to a sweater. The winters are phenomenal!! This morning when I was walking my dog in a t-shirt and a thin sweatshirt, I looked over towards red rock, saw the bright blue sky, and was again reminded how much I love this weather. Over a million people gathered in the desert? Some may say it's the casinos and job market, but I feel that it's because of the winters. It's true. It's real true!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I am not a pleasant person when I'm sick after so long, and I'll be the first to admit it. I try so hard to remain positive, but after a while I find myself complaining about how sick I am of being sick. When I came back from Christmas with a cold I just took my zycam and faced it with a smile. Pretty soon it turned into Nyquil, then Musinex, and then a visit to the doctor and Amoxicillin with some decongestant. That was a wrap. No more smile on this face! It isn't just that I feel like crap that frustrates me. It's that I had gotten myself so excited about starting my training for my triathalon in May, and I even researched and made a calendar that I printed off and hung on my fridge so I would know my schedule for running, biking, and swimming. Now, 13 days later, it is still just hanging there! Curse you, sinus infection!!! As I crawl to the finish line come May, half dead and exhausted, I'll only have you to blame - not the package of cheetos and box of reeses peanut butter hearts I've justified enhaling secondary to my "need for comfort food" when not feeling well.......sigh........

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


You've Got Mail!!!! Good job Charla and Roberto (who I can't watch it without thinking of). Such a darling movie, but the minute Tom Hanks wipes away Meg Ryan's tear and says "don't cry Shopgirl. Don't cry," it loses it's appeal. So annoying! Who was the writer?!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


"Don't cry, Shopgirl. Don't cry." Ugh, cringe! It still drives me crazy when I hear it even after all these years. Why did they have to end a perfectly good movie with something like that?!

Friday, January 2, 2009


This year I'm all about new beginnings. Out with the old and in with the new!! A 10 day break at Christmas gave me plenty of time to think through 2008 and see that it wasn't one of my best years thus far. There were parts of it that were no bueno. I don't think I'd ever want to go through some of the experiences I went through, have the same kind of relationships I had, or feel the emotions I felt in certain situations again. However, I also realize that I came out of it stronger, wiser, and a lot more aware of myself. I'm almost even at the point where I'm grateful for what I went through, even though nobody can truly understand why I would say that except for me. Well, the lessons were learned and the year is behind me - I'm reclaiming myself, folks! These aren't all of them, but I'm sharing a few of my resolutions for those of you who know me well enough to appreciate them:

1. Travel, travel, travel: I didn't have a single stamp - not one - in my passport last year!!!! I've always been so consistent about getting away in the years past and I hate that I put it on the back burner last year. I'm back on board. In fact, I already have several trips in the planning stages! Not just the yearly, traditional trips, but also a cruise, international adventures (you'll notice it is plural), and some simple trips that are close to home. I'm excited!
2. Funner fitness: Every year myself and everyone in the world makes the same resolution to lose weight, but it seems sort of meaningless without something behind it. I decided that this year I wanted to work towards something bigger and better. There is a sprint triathalon in San Diego at the beginning of May that I'm going to be participating in. It's a simple one and perfect for beginners, and I'm excited to do it. Plus, I got back into bike riding last year, so at least I'll have a head start on 1/3 of my training. I might not finish it quickly, but the goal is to just finish it!
3. Savings: I have been saying for months and months that I'm going to start building up my savings account again, but it seems like something always comes up. I realize this is a contradiction to my first goal of traveling, but I really do have the goal of putting ten percent of my income into savings this year. It may mean less movies and more budgeting, but I'm going to do it!
4. Spiritual: It's time for more meaningful scripture study, consistent and frequent trips to the temple, and making sure the gospel trumps everything in my life! I also have realized that I need to feel truly happy with where I am at in life, and I think the days of the singles ward are over. It's time to move on - and I'm excited about it!
5. Friends and Family: I have become acutely aware of how important my family is to me and the significance of true friends in my life. I have been so blessed with a support system and don't want to take advantage of the people that are a part of it. I want to keep in contact with people I care about, and serve those I love. I don't necessarily need a goal for that or a resolution, but I just feel the need to be more aware of it.

So there are a few of my goals. Not all of them, but you get the general idea. It's time to move forward. It's time to be better. It's time to experience joy. I wish you all the best in the upcoming year! Hooray for 2009!!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Last night I discovered one of THE BEST creations I've seen from Trader Joe's, second only to the little peppermint oreo cookies that come out at Christmas - Longboard Chips. Perfect! They are these long, skinny chips that make the chip and salsa debacle manageable. There is nothing more annoying than scratching yourself on the side of your mouth when trying to eat one of those triangle shaped ones, or having to wash your hands every time you try to squeeze it into a bottle of salsa so you can get the leftover salsa in the bottom on the chip. These are the perfect solution! So smart - so brainy. Thank you, Trader Joe's! I anticipated this year being good, but this is going to make it FANTASTIC!!!!!